The Metropolitan Detroit Ski Council serves ski, snowboard, golf, social and outdoor enthusiast clubs throughout Michigan and parts of Ohio and Ontario. 

The MDSC was formed in 1957 with the intent of bringing together like minded adults who enjoy an active life style and who love to socialize with others. The council is made up of 20 member clubs and 7 business members. Over 2800 members  participate in year-round fun and action filled programs besides skiing/snowboarding. You  will find these clubs hosting events throughout the year such as canoeing, white water  rafting, picnics, hiking, horseback riding, dinner theater outings, golfing, biking,  camping, movie premiere nights, in-line skating, and rock climbing to name just a few.  Our  members enjoy discounts on ski/snowboarding equipment, trips and events and participate in  year-round activities promoting friendship and social interaction.  The ski, snowboarding  golf, and rafting trips for example offer a variety of destinations around the world at  significant savings. Becoming a member of one club allows you to join the events in any  other club in the MDSC
without requiring additional membership in the hosting club.

Interested and want to get involved and learn more?

Look around this MDSC website; review the photos of fun people having fun times doing what  they like best. Then chose a website of the club that interests you and get in-depth  details of what they offer, how large they are, where they are located and how you can join  one of these adventurous groups. You will find family friendly clubs, clubs that offer  lessons in snowboarding and skiing and clubs that offer downhill race training for kids and  adults. We have it all.

Take a look at our current 2024 - 2025 Ski Trips & Club Information in our updated Tri-Fold !